July 08, 24


July is Plastic Free Month, a global movement encouraging everyone to reduce their plastic use. At AKT, we’re passionate about sustainability and want to help you make the switch to zero-waste packaging. Here's everything you need to know to join the movement and reduce plastic in your daily life.

What is Plastic Free July?

Plastic Free July is an initiative that started in 2011 in Australia and has grown into a worldwide campaign. The goal is to raise awareness about plastic pollution and encourage people to adopt sustainable alternatives. By participating, you commit to reducing single-use plastics for the entire month of July, hopefully forming habits that last a lifetime.

Why Go Plastic-Free?

Plastic pollution is a significant environmental issue. Here are some eye-opening facts:

  • Only 45% of plastic bottles in the UK are recycled.
  • Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, causing long-term environmental damage.

By reducing your plastic use, you help decrease the demand for new plastic production, lower waste in landfills, and protect marine life from plastic pollution.

AKT's Commitment to Sustainability

At AKT, we’re taken significant steps to minimise our environmental footprint. Since our launch in 2020, we've been dedicated to producing natural deodorants in 100% recyclable aluminium packaging. Here’s why we chose aluminium:

  • High Recyclability: 75% of all aluminium ever produced is still in use today.
  • Energy Efficiency: Recycling aluminium uses 95% less energy than producing new aluminium.
  • Endless Reuse: Aluminium can be recycled repeatedly without losing quality.

Benefits of Aluminium Packaging

Our natural deodorants come in stylish, sustainable aluminium tubes, available in five vibrant colours:

These aluminium tubes are not only eye-catching but also eco-friendly. We use bespoke aluminium caps to ensure no plastic is used in our packaging, making AKT one of the few companies globally with such a commitment to zero plastic.

The Aluminium Recycling Process

Understanding how aluminium is recycled can highlight its sustainability benefits:

  1. Collection: Used aluminium products are collected through household recycling programs.
  2. Separation: An Eddy Current Separator, similar to a giant magnet, separates aluminium from other materials.
  3. Shredding and Burning: The aluminium is shredded and passed through an oven to remove paint or lacquer.
  4. Melting: The cleaned aluminium is melted at over 650°C and cast into ingots.
  5. Preparation: These ingots are rolled into sheets and transformed into new containers, such as AKT deodorant tubes.

AKT’s Sustainable Practices

At AKT, we prioritise sustainability throughout our production process:

  • 85% Recycled Aluminium: Our deodorant tubes are made from 85% recycled aluminium.
  • Energy Savings: Using recycled aluminium significantly reduces our carbon footprint.

Top 3 Tips for a Plastic-Free July

To help you go plastic-free this July, here are some practical tips:

  • Switch to Reusable Bags: Use cloth or mesh bags instead of plastic ones.
  • Choose Glass or Aluminium: Opt for products in glass or aluminium packaging.
  • Say No to Single-Use Plastics: Avoid straws, cutlery, and other single-use items.

Common Questions About Going Plastic-Free

What are the challenges of going plastic-free?

Going plastic-free can be challenging due to the prevalence of plastic in everyday items. It requires careful planning and finding suitable alternatives.

How can I start reducing plastic use?

Begin by identifying the plastic items you use daily and look for sustainable alternatives. Gradually replace them with eco-friendly options.

Are there any apps to help with plastic-free living?

Yes, there are several apps like My Little Plastic Footprint and EcoLife that provide tips and track your progress in reducing plastic use.

By making small changes and choosing sustainable products like AKT’s natural deodorants, you can contribute to a healthier planet. Join us in celebrating Plastic Free July and make a lasting impact on reducing plastic pollution.


Written by AKT London