February 27, 24


Now, you know we don’t like to brag. We’ve had a fair share of glowing reviews over the years. Our praises have been sung by Vogue, Forbes, and GQ – to name a few. Don’t get us wrong, we pinch ourselves daily. Considering we started in our kitchen, it’s been a whirlwind. And we couldn’t be more grateful.

But our favourite review isn’t from a prestigious publication or a high-end magazine – it was written by one of the first members of our cast.

“Deodorant might seem like a small thing, but the work that you have put in has created a product that has literally changed my life.”

AKT’s motivation to create something that works has, and always will be – confidence. With a lack of high-performing, natural deodorants on the market, we didn’t just want to change people’s minds – we wanted to change people’s lives.

“After years of severe anxiety and the medication I was taking for it, I noticed I was starting to suffer from excessive perspiration. Embarrassed by constant sweat marks - the more I worried, the worse it got.  I tried everything - and was left with sore underarm skin from all the chemicals found in strong deodorants”

Sweating and the toll it has on mental health is something that’s not spoken about as much as it should be. Embarrassment from excessive sweating can result in social withdrawal, heightened anxiety and can impact sense of self-worth. From women experiencing hot flushes during menopause to biological responses to anxiety, sweating can have a detrimental impact on confidence.

“I decided to try Orange Grove and loved the scent. With AKT I saw a vast improvement and I am confident that I never smell! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. AKT has literally changed my life and given me one less thing to be anxious about. Thank you. Thank you!”

Not only are we incredibly moved by this letter, but it’s a reminder of what we started out to do – create confidence. And we’re grateful beyond words seeing it become a reality.

See what AKT can do for you. Check out our full range here.

Written by AKT London